McDonald's Launches Official "Menu Hacks"

What were once nuggets of wisdom, are now available to all. McDonald’s has officially launched a selection of menu hacks. Now…we love this. These are things we all do anyway. In fact we’ve actually done a bunch of McDonald’s hacks on the channel before. It’s crazy, one of the first videos we did was the McGangBang. Interesting that McDonald’s didn’t roll with that name. We did a breakfast Big Mac as well! Watch a couple of our menu hack videos below.

It’s fun to see McDonald’s embrace the hacks. The Land, Air & Sea definitely is a mouthful. The crunchy nuggets on a McDouble is a pretty expert hack. The breakfast items only menu is pretty elite as well. Because it’s of course officially the best fast food breakfast menu. All of this is a pretty smart marketing scheme, especially alongside all of the celebrity meal bundles they’ve promoted recently. Now if you order this at the restaurant it will come as a bundle and you’ll have to create all these items yourself.

The menu hacks begin Jan. 31st (basically you can say the names as you order) but you can of course always roll with these menu hacks forever.