Hot Dogs. The blue collar delicacy that goes under-appreciated outside the US and over-appreciated inside the Midwest. And before you feel slighted by that last sentence, I am one of those Midwestern over-appreciators.

I grew up in Hot Dog country. I'm from a city that can tell if you if you're Irish Catholic and from the West side of the city or Polish Catholic and from the East side by your preference of a Rudy's or Tony Packo's Chili Dog.

When it was time for me to uproot and branch out from my chili dog loving hometown, I found myself planted down in one of the All-Time great meat cities in America. Chicago!

Some eight years Chicago later, my journey in the land of Hot Dogs and Italian Beefs has found me having reviewed some Twelve-hundred foods with my business partner, Sean, on our Youtube Channel, Number Six With Cheese. And with forty percent of our schedule having us feast on local Chicago restaurant's, we feel pretty well versed in the local cuisine.

Wow, imagine having to write three paragraphs just to feel valid enough to give your opinion on Hot Dogs to internet strangers. Well, anywho, we picked our five favorite hot dogs in the city and here's our list.

Now before I get into this I did want to say that A) if you hate reading (no judgment here, I only judge people on how freckly their fingers are),  we did make a vlog for this, so you can scroll down to the bottom and watch a five minute video of us at all five of these amazing hot dog spots. And B) we weren't going for the five best Chicago dogs, just our favorite five hot dog spots. Some of these we like for their wild hot dog options, some are Chicago classics, and some are just the best damn tasting things you can find on God's green earth. Alright, for real, here's the list now.



This magnificent hot dog stand is everything you want and expect from a big city spot. The small silver cube of glory that barely fits two folks. The yellow 'Vienna' flag waving a top the stand, letting you know you're getting a quality Chicago born and bred hot dog. And with that incredibly minuscule working area it's damn near a miracle that they can offer chips and drinks out of that closet disguised as a kitchen, yet they find a way.

Sure Kim and Carlo have a great dog. Of course their poppy seed bun sets their delicious dog apart from the peasant dogs. Every place on this list makes an amazing dog. But what sets Kim and Carlo apart?


Easy. Location. I mean just look at this picture.

Located downtown, knee deep in Chicago's Museum Campus, Kim and Carlo's hot dog stand isn't just in a good spot. It's in THE spot. Nestled in the bosom of the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, and Soldier Field, there might not be a better place for tourists or locals in the downtown area to venture for a delicious dog.



Named Devil Dawg's after Chicago's DePaul University Blue Devils, this hot dog haven first opened near the DePaul Lincoln Park campus and has since expended to four spots in the city.

The real charm of Devil Dawg's is their insane and massive menu where you can assuredly find the dog best suited to satisfy your soul.

This place has inventive dogs like their deep fried masterpiece the Bulldawg, or the Giardiniera covered Chi-Talian. You really have to see this menu to fully appreciate it and the best way to do that is to head there for a feast!



The isn't as much a local establishment, as it is a way of life for Chicago local's.

Once you step inside of Portillo's you'll see why. The king of Portillo's locations (in my arbitrary opinion) is the River North location.

This place is less of a restaurant and more of a playground. You walk in and are instantly in awe of its size and even more blown away by its look.

With a car hanging from the ceiling and neon lighting your eyes it's hard to focus on anything long enough to notice the unbelievable amount of autographs from famous folks that have lined their stomachs with the glory that is Portillo's.

And don't for second think that they're simply a cool looking spot lacking on flavor.

Trust me, they bring the taste basket to your tongue, quick, fast, and in a hurry!

I suggest getting a little wild and hitting up the hot dogs tastier and more beautiful cousin, the Maxwell Street Polish. Sure it's not really a hot dog, but who cares when it tastes this good!



This one's a no brainer. A must have. An obvious move. \

Not only do they have a great dog but they've got the best personality in the city. They're the original being dicks to costumers and they do it in the best way possible.

I know there's other restaurants that treat their costumers like human piles of trash but they all feel a little gimmicky compared to The Weiner Circle and the difference is simple, at The Weiner Circle, it's not a gimmick.

I happen to know the original owner of the Weiner Circle and I know for a fact that the late night trash talking that happens between The Weiner Circle and their customers started from a real place of hatred for drunk patrons that would stumble in for a quick dog after a few too many brews in Wrigleyville.

The truth bombs that workers bestow on the fragile hipsters are only beaten in satisfaction by their famous chocolate shakes (wink, wink) and their delicious dogs.



Flub A Dub's has so much to love. The location is awesome, it's close to Wrigley Field and in the heart of one of my favorite area's in the city near the intersection of Broadway and Belmont.

It's in an amazing space, down a few steps in a garden unit giving it that authentic "big city" vibe.

The walls are decorated with the drawings of hot dogs from customers like a hot dog fighting ketchup or this fine picture of a hot discovering his cousin the corndog.

And their proprietor is the most amazing retired teacher who's always ready to talk about her love of books and education.

Flub A Dub Chub's is no one trick pony either. With fifteen different hot dog options available, if you can't find a dog you like, then that's a YOU problem.

These are our favorite spots but as you can imagine Chicago is filled to the brim with wonderful hot dog spots. Let us know your favorites!

And check out the video we made for our top five hot dogs so you can get your eyes on these amazing spots!