wrigley field

What's The Most Underrated Food At Wrigley Field?

We recently went to Wrigley Field to find the best foods the stadium had to offer and we inadvertently ended up finding one it’s biggest hidden gems!

Quesabirria Taco’s!!!

Sounds crazy but it’s true! They even came with traditional consume which I wasn’t expecting. Now the price was a little high at $12.49 but everything’s expensive at the ballpark!

I’ll be honest, they weren’t the best in town but when it comes to ballpark food I don’t expect the best in town. I expect good for the price and these were more than good for the price. They really hit the spot and when I consider the fact that a pulled pork sandwich is $20 it really helps me swallow the pricey bill for these tasty tacos.

You’ll find in life that when greatness is expected and average is found, it can be a bit disappointing. But when trash is expected and average is found, you ride that wave ‘til noon the next day.

Get these next time you hit up a Cubs game and you won’t be disappointed!

And as always, if you wanna see these tacos in more detail, checkout the full review we made on youtube!

Wrigley's INSANE Prices!!! Is A $20 Pulled Pork Sandwich Worth It?

We recently went on a little mission at Wrigley Field and the concept was simple, find the best food in the stadium.

Easier said then done.

For starters a lot of the best food is sold EXCLUSIVELY in the bleachers. We did not know that. We may or may not have sweet talked our way back there. We may or may not have also gotten kicked out by an old crotchty fun killer who saw a couple of idiots with cameras and decided to check their tickets. Leave to Chicago’s north side to make sure all the best of something was segregated away.

(by the way I’m fully aware we were the ones in the wrong. We didn’t have a ticket, we shouldn’t have been there, and the nice old man was just doing his job. I’m just having fun typing away at my laptop with my trusted writing bong sitting next me. So if you could give me a break on any hate, it’d much appreciated)

Anywho, ah yes, the food! We went to Lillie’s Q Southern BBQ to try their Pulled Pork Sandwich for $20.

For starters, what’s up with that price! I know it’s ballpark prices but my god people. How’s a blue collar dad to afford taking his kid to the game now-a-days? Alright let me slow down. I am buying a premiere item here. I guess I’m just typing from a place of already haven eaten this bummer of a sandwich so I guess you’re just getting some preemptive context clues.

Where did they start going wrong. We covered the price. Oh yeah, how about that famous sauce! They tried to not give me any!? Can you believe that? I mean the sauce is a pretty big part of the Pulled Pork sandwich in my book so when this lady handed me that dry sandwich I was almost at a loss for words. But luckily I wasn’t, I caught my breath and asked for some sauce (asking for things is kryptonite to Irish Catholic Midwesterner’s).

So I got my sauce, I sit down, and go for my first bite and believe it or not this $20 sandwich (no sides) was damn near cold!

needless to say I was bummed. I was sad. I was broke. And I was hungry.

If you want to see me desperately trying to be positive about this horrible experience, checkout this full video below

Eat Local | Wrigley Fields BEST EATS | Lillie's Q $20 Brisket Sandwich at Wrigley Field

Battle of the Buns: Cubs vs. White Sox Hot Dog Showdown at Wrigley Field and Guaranteed Rate Field

Battle of the Buns: Cubs vs. White Sox Hot Dog Showdown at Wrigley Field and Guaranteed Rate Field

The Eat Local boys put the iconic Chicago Cubs Hot Dog vs The White Sox Hot Dog! Who wins only the article and thousand people who watched the Youtube episode know!