Number Six With Cheese Reviews Alinea's 6-Course '15th Anniversary Experience'

Alinea has three times been named the Best Restaurant in America and is the only restaurant in Chicago, and one of only 12 in the U.S., to earn the coveted Michelin 3-Star rating. It has also won the James Beard Award for Best Service in the United States. We had the opportunity eat and review their $50 per person takeout version, with 6 courses, crafted for foodies during quarantine times. Of course, we put our own spin on it — cleaning our palates with Jeppson's Malört and Old Style. The full courses are listed out below.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the response from N6WC fans about the video and their endless support. Additionally, we’re particularly proud of the support from Alinea co-founder Nick Kokonas and Chef Grant Achatz. We had a great dialogue with them about the review on Twitter and we appreciate them re-sharing of the video on their Instagram (and Chef Grant’s IGTV!). We hope to be ripping a few Malört shots with them soon. 😉

All of Alinea’s to go options can be found via Tock To Go at

'15th Anniversary Experience’ Courses via Chef Grant Achatz:

  • Blis Steelhead Roe: Coconut Pudding • Carrot • Turmeric • Passionfruit Gel

  • Chilled English Pea Soup: Chamomile Compressed Cantaloupe • Yogurt Custard • Nueske's Ham

  • Spicy Gulf Prawn: Cucumber • Thai Curry Sauce • Thai Aromatic Salt

  • “Rootbeer” of Braised Beef Short Rib: Fennel • Vanilla scented 50/50 Potatoes • Dark Dried Fruits

  • Wild Mushrooms and Green Asparagus: Lapsang Souchong Tea Emulsion • Pickled Shallots

  • Chocolate 64% on Your Table: Strawberry • Vanilla • Hazelnut Praline • Blueberry • Lemon

*This meal requires reheating at home.